my boyfriend believes

Posted on 07/13/2010. Filed under: love | Tags: , , , , , |

….in wrestling. Yes. WWE, Raw, Cage Matches, Men fighting in panties. He believes its all real. One awful day, I tried to reason with him. I told him its all fake. They’re not really fighting, they’re not even really angry. They’re simply reading lines and flailing they’re arms. Well….that didn’t go over well. After an hour of bickering, I finally gave in. Then it hit me!
I LOVE that he believes! See, my boyfriend is a 21 year old jaded black man. To see him in this childlike state is one of the things that makes me fall in love with him again. Its an innocence he lacks in other areas. When he sits in front of the tv, completely engulfed as Edge and Chris Jericho are slamming chairs against each others noggins, I sit there with the biggest smile. Its a beautiful sight.
But….I’ve now become an enabler. A commercial aired a few weeks ago with Vince McMahons wife running for congress or something. She referred to wrestling as a “Soap Opera”. Immediately I regretted having the tv on that channel. When I looked to my boyfriend, he had the most confused look on his face. “Soap Opera?” He said. He shrugged and went to the kitchen, I hoped he had forgotten the whole incident. Once, my mom saw him watching WWE and said in passing “You know that’s not real right?” I flew out of my seat to stop her from going any further and she chuckled and scurried away. At this point, I don’t know if I want to maintain his belief for my own good or his. It makes me wonder how long I’ll allow my kids to believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. An ounce of innocence is a precious thing that I believe can help make going through rough and tough life a little easier.

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